Wednesday, August 17, 2011

C-Card Storage – The Solution

Any divers that have been kicking around the dive world for more than a few years have probably come across the problem of what to do with all of those C-Cards that we have accumulated, hold dear and upon occasion are called upon to produce – I expect you are probably thinking of the last time you asked for a Nitrox fill at Dutch Springs. Over the years I have had lots of different styles of card holders that have fit nicely in my log book binder, but in general, if you have to remove a card and replace it more than once or twice, the holder itself will stretch and next time you unzip your log book binder they end up on the ground. The solution in the past has been to either put up with it, tape the cards in there so they don’t keep falling out, or replace the holder.

This was the case recently when I was looking for something in my binder while up at Rich Morin’s Professional Scuba Centers in Glens Falls, NY. With my C-Cards on the floor, Rich and the guys suggested a stop at Staples where they sell a card holder designed for the cards not to fall out. Off to Staples, in fact several Staples until the correct product was finally located. The product is made by Dayrunner and is product number 482-152 and costs a reasonable $5. The holder is available from other retailers as well as Staples and is also available directly from Dayrunner.

The great thing about this holder is that the cards are folded into the holder itself – they don’t fall out on as the holder itself blocks them from falling unless the holder is opened. The holder will hold up to 14 cards – at least enough to get most divers through the Master Scuba Diver level plus a DAN card or 2. Not easy to find a good solution in the dive industry for $5 these days….

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