Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Multifunctional Diving – Corsair Dive Light/Knife

A trend seems to be starting in going to more multifunctional dive gear. First we have the “Air 2” – both low pressure inflator and alternate air source. Interesting idea – one of those, why didn’t anyone think of that a long time ago kind of ideas. Now we have the Corsair by Halon Dive Gear. The Corsair is a combination attempt like the Air 2, in that it combines two separate pieces of dive equipment and give you a single piece of equipment that combines the functionality of both. In this case the odd combination of dive light and dive knife. My first reaction was why would you go and purchase such a piece of equipment – how many times are you going to need a light and knife combination – sure it makes it easier to see what you are cutting, but most recreational divers should not find themselves in a situation that requires them to use their dive knife under light. Then it occurred to me that that is not what this tool is for – it is not to see what you are cutting, it simply utilizes the dive knife as a host for up to 4 redundant light – they snap on in up to 16 combinations, offering you both the ability to purpose configure your dive light for the task to be undertaken as well as having full redundancy in the dive light configuration – RAID 5 in computer speak – redundant bulb (or LED) redundant batteries, redundant casing – one light floods – you have 3 others that are unaffected.

We cannot describe the quality of build of the Corsair at this time as we have yet to get hold of one of them for closer inspection. Halon Dive Gear is based here in CT – it may be worth the trip down to West Suffield to check out their gear.

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